These settings are written when you do something, such as open a file or use the Find utility.

Setting Description Type
appTotalMem Mac only. Defines the default size to be used in the SIZE resource for an executable file created with the Application Builder. numeric
CVIFPConv.arraySize Options written by the CVI Function Panel Converter numeric
diff.circles Options written by the Compare VIs and Compare VI Hierarchies utilities TF
diff.specFlags numeric
diff.tileVert TF
editRecentPaths List of recent paths used in Open VI dialog (edit mode) [paths]
execRecentPaths List of recent paths used in Open File dialog (running VI) [paths]
find.findTextFlags Options written by the Find utility numeric
find.nodeRsrcID numeric
find.searchStr quoted
find.viListFlags numeric
hierarchy.stateFlags Options on the Hierarchy window numeric
menu.n Open palette menu file(s) file
menuLoc.n Screen location of open palette(s) rect
menuSetup Name of current palette set quoted
paletteStyle Palette style {Text, Standard} quoted
RecentFiles.pathList List of recently opened VIs [files]
recentUserName Last username used when logging in via prompt quoted
showEmptyHistoryEntries Status of History window menu item, History>>Show Empty Entries TF
simpleDiagramHelp Help>>Simple Help TF
simpleExitDialog True=Small Dialog when all VIs are closed TF
toolPaletteLoc Last screen location of tools palette rect